
The background of this research is the circulation cosmetic with mercury that occur today in society. The problem of the research is that occur histochemical’s damage liver and kidney after exposure to mercury, and is that nanogold can recovery that damage. The pre-clinical study needed 24 mice (Mus muscullus) were divided into 6 groups, the control is A group, B group was exposed to mercury, Groups C, D, E and F after being exposed to mercury, than recovery by nanogold with concentration each of 5, 10, 15 and 20 ppm. Exposure was performed 1 week and 4 weeks of recovery. Necropsy of mice doing after treatment, liver and kidneys are processed into preparations by blocking with paraffin embedding method. Histochemical staining of liver and kidney tissue with Hematoxylin eosin (HE) to determine changes of cell constituent and staining Van Geyson to determine the structure of collagen constituent. Statistics Manova showed different results between treatment groups. Tissue damage, lysis cell and destruction of collagen can be observed from histochemical techniques for mercury-exposed group compared to the control group. Tissue and collagen recovery process can be observed from group C, D, E and F. The conclusion that the effects of mercury one week exposed through skin give effect to collagen tissue damage at liver and kidneys of mice. 20 ppm of Nanogold can recovery damaged cells and collagen tissue from the liver and kidneys of mice after four weeks of recovery.


  • Histochemical staining of liver and kidney tissue with Hematoxylin eosin (HE) to determine changes of cell constituent and staining Van Geyson to determine the structure of collagen constituent

  • Lysis cell and destruction of collagen can be observed from histochemical techniques for mercury-exposed group compared to the control group

  • Tissue and collagen recovery process can be observed from group C, D, E and F

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Bahan dan Alat

Bahan yang digunakan adalah mencit jenis Mus muscullus, pakan mencit, paraffin, entelan, pewarna Hematoksilin Eosin (HE), pewarna Van Geyson, Xilitol, Alkohol, eter, krem placebo, formalin, buffer phospat 10%, merkuri (Hg2+) 20 ppm, nanogold (Au0) 20 ppm. Grup C, D, E dan F adalah kelompok perlakuan yang dipapar merkuri sebagaimana Grup B tetapi dilanjutkan pemulihan menggunakan nanogold masingmasing dengan konsentrasi 5, 10, 15 dan 20 ppm. Seluruh mencit diadaptasi selama 2 minggu, selanjutnya dilakukan perlakuan dengan menggunakan krem yang dioles di bagian punggung dengan pertimbangan tidak mudah dijangkau oleh tangan maupun kaki mencit. Kelompok control (grup A) dengan krem placebo, sedangkan Kelompok merkuri (grup B) dengan krem yang sejenis tetapi ditambahkan merkuri 20 ppm selama 1 minggu. Grup C, D, E dan F diperlakukan sebagaimana grup B tetapi dilanjutkan dengan pemulihan menggunakan krem yang sejenis tetapi ditambahkan nanogold 5, 10, 15 dan 20 ppm. Analisa kuantitatif jaringan dengan menghitung kerapatan kolagen dibantu dengan software, sedangkan jumlah sel per area dihitung pada tiap luasan tertentu (80.000 μm2) pada 5 lapang pandang yang berbeda. Data kuantitas sel per luas area dan luas area yang tertutup kolagen tiap grup perlakuan dianalisis statistic dengan MANOVA pada SPSS 18

Pewarnaan jaringan ginjal menggunakan pewarna HE
Kelompok ABCDEF
Pewarnaan jaringan hati dengan pewarna HE
Journal of Analytical Atomic
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