
Since 2014, India has witnessed substantial change under the Modi administration. As India's prime minister and a former RSS member, Modi has advocated the Hindutva agenda, which entails converting the country from a secular to a Hindu State. India is the second-most populous country in the world and has the largest democracy. India is a very ethnically, culturally, and religiously diverse country. A democratic country with such a sizable population must maintain a pluralistic society, which India has for a very long time, even before partition. However, the current resurgence of Hindu nationalism has raised concerns about minorities' futures. Indian secularism is having a difficult time adjusting to the issue of growing Hindu nationalism. By using the Psychocultural theory to explain the relationships between ethnic groups inside India and how it constitutes a threat to the future of secularism in India. In this research article, secondary data will be employed. Keywords: Secularism, BJP, Hindu Nationalism. Content Analysis, Hindu Rashtra, Psychocultural Theory.

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