
ABSTRACTDynkin's construction for self-intersection local time of a planar Wiener process is extended to Hilbert-valued weights. In Dynkin's construction, the weight is bounded and measurable. Since the weight function describes the properties of the medium in which the Brownian motion moves, relative to the external medium's properties, the weight function can be random and unbounded. In this article, we discuss the possibility to consider Hilbert-space-valued weights. It appears that the existence of Hilbert-valued Dynkin-renormalized self-intersection local time is equivalent to the embedding of the values of Hilbert-valued weight into a Hilbert–Schmidt brick. Using Dorogovtsev's sufficient condition for the embedding of compact sets into a Hilbert–Schmidt brick in terms of an isonormal process, we prove the existence of Hilbert-valued Dynkin-renormalized self-intersection local time. Also using Dynkin's construction we construct the self-intersection local time for the deterministic image of the planar Wiener process.

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