
Letf (X, t)eℚ[X, t] be an irreducible polynomial. Hilbert’s irreducibility theorem asserts that there are infinitely manyt0eℤ such thatf (X, t0) is still irreducible. We say thatf (X, t) isgeneral if the Galois group off (X, t) over ℚ(t) is the symmetric group in its natural action. We show that if the degree off with respect toX is a prime ≠ 5 or iff is general of degree ≠ 5, thenf (X, t0) is irreducible for all but finitely manyt0eℤ unless the curve given byf (X, t)=0 has infinitely many points (x0,t0) withx0eℚ,t0eℤ. The proof makes use of Siegel’s theorem about integral points on algebraic curves, and classical results about finite groups, going back to Burnside, Schur, Wielandt, and others.

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