
High Resolution NMR in Solids: Selective Averaging presents the principles and applications of the four approaches to high resolution NMR in solids — magic-angle sample spinning, multiple-pulse, proton-enhanced nuclear induction, and indirect detection methods. Divided into six chapters, this book initially describes the tensorial properties of nuclear spin interactions in both ordinary and spin spaces. It then deals with the manifestations of nuclear magnetic shielding in NMR spectra of both single-crystal and powder samples, and then discusses the techniques for analyzing spectra and rotation patterns in terms of shielding tensors. A wide range of NMR phenomena that are result of intentional or natural, selective or unselective averaging processes and the average Hamiltonian theory that yields the inclusion of correction are covered. This book also provides a detailed discussion on multiple-pulse sequences intended for high resolution NMR in solids. The concluding chapter examines the applications of multiple-pulse techniques, with particular emphasis on measurements of 19F and 1H shielding tensors. Discussions on rotations of angular momentum operators; time ordering and the Magnus expansion; off-resonance averaging of the second-order dipolar Hamiltonian; and phase transients are covered in the supplemental texts.

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