
Bound states in the continuum (BICs) have unique properties and significant applications in photonics. In this paper, we show analytically and experimentally the existence of ( $$N-1$$ ) BICs (multi-BICs) in the flat band of a periodic photonic comb made of N stubs of length $$d_{2}$$ separated by segments of length $$d_{1}$$ . These BICs occur when $$d_{1}$$ and $$d_{2}$$ are taken commensurate at a given frequency, which turn to quasi-BICs (multi-Fano resonances) when $$d_{1}$$ and $$d_{2}$$ are taken slightly different from the BIC position. The signature of BICs and quasi-BICs can be observed in the transmission and density of states (DOS) spectra. We show that BICs are characterized by an infinite Q factor resonances, while quasi-BICs give rise to high-Q factor resonances that grow cubically with N. Our study improves the theoretical comprehension of BICs in stubbed structure and provides useful guidelines for future applications.

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