
Bound states in the continuum (BICs) in a periodic structure sandwiched between two homogeneous media have interesting properties and useful applications in photonics. The topological nature of BICs was previously revealed based on a topological charge related to the far-field polarization vector of the surrounding resonant states. Recently, it was established that when symmetry-protected BICs (with a nonzero topological charge) are destroyed by generic symmetry-breaking perturbations, pairs of circularly polarized resonant states (CPSs) emerge and the net topological charge is conserved. A periodic structure can also support propagating BICs with a nonzero wave vector. These BICs are not protected by symmetry in the sense of symmetry mismatch, but they need symmetry for their robust existence. Based on a highly accurate computational method for a periodic array of slightly noncircular cylinders, we show that a propagating BIC is typically destroyed by a structural perturbation that breaks only the in-plane inversion symmetry, and when this happens, a pair of CPSs of opposite handedness emerge so that the net topological charge is conserved. We also study the generation and annihilation of CPSs when a structural parameter is varied. It is shown that two CPSs with opposite topological charge and the same handedness, connected to two BICs or in a continuous branch from one BIC, may collapse and become a CPS with a zero charge. Our study clarifies the important connection between symmetry and topological charge conservation.

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