
The purpose of this project is to identify the factors that impact the development and consolidation of high performance teams in a higher education institution in the state of Guanajuato during the year 2022. A diagnostic of organizational climate was elaborated to know the perception that workers have of their work dynamics, a questionnaire was applied to a sample of 128 collaborators from a population of 189 workers, using the Likert scale, considering a total of 40 topics the sample is representative having a confidence level of 95% with a margin of error of 5%. Para interpretar los resultados se empleó medidas de tendencia central como la moda, medias y medianas, de la manera siguiente: respuestas positivas (niveles 4 – de acuerdo y 5 – totalmente de acuerdo) y negativas (niveles 2 – en desacuerdo y 1 – totalmente desacuerdo). The results showed the need to establish leadership strategies, consolidate learning curves, boost motivation, promote creativity and communication that impacts on quality in service and belonging to the organization.

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