
Abstract Methyl parathion formulations (a synthetic sample, a technical material, and 6 emulsifiable concentrates) were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), gas-liquid chromatography (GLC), and infrared (IR) spectroscopy. The HPLC method used in ultraviolet detector and a Permaphase ODS column with a methanol-water mobile phase. The GLC method used an SE-30/OV-210 column and flame ionization detection. The IR spectrum was recorded at 8.16 μm. A synthetic sample formulated to contain 45.5% methyl parathion (analytical grade) was analyzed 8 times by each method. HPLC yielded an average value of 45.4%, GLC 45.9%, and IR 45.7%. Analyses of variance of this repeatability study showed that the differences between the GLC mean and both the theoretical value and the HPLC mean were small, but significant. Technical methyl parathion and 6 emulsifiable concentrates were analyzed in duplicate by each method. Variance calculations for each set of duplicates by each method indicate a high probability of difference in the methods. High results from the IR analysis are probably due to impurities in the technical material because analysis of the synthetic sample was satisfactory. The HPLC and GLC methods appear to be precise and will be studied collaboratively.

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