As logic semiconductor moves to 65nm node and beyond, several process-enhancement technologies have come into prominence with the help of dry etch processes. In high-aspect ratio contact etch (CT) process, the sufficient over-etch during dielectric oxide etch without too much loss of SiN-based stop layer is required to maintain the enough process window for less silicide loss loading and leakage. Stress memorization technology (SMT) is designed to enhance the P-MOS performance. It removes the stressed nitride and stops on one thin oxide layer. The enough oxide remaining is also imperative to avoid silicon damage. Besides, the loading effect of nitride thickness in SRAM area has to be compensated. Highly selective etching process is indispensable to fulfill these tightening and newly-born process requirements. In this paper, we address the effect of etch parameters including pressure, chemistry, gas ratio and power on the etching selectivity between nitride and oxide film in the above two processes. Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) is utilized to compare the final etched profile. Results demonstrate besides the etch chemistry and power ratio, the etcher selection also plays the vital role on etching selectivity and etch rate.
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