
HypothesisPoly (vinyl alcohol) (PVA) cryogels can be functionalized with n-Halamines to confer biocidal features useful for their application as wound-dressing tools. Their efficacy can be boosted by stably embedding a polymeric bacterial food source (e.g., starch) in the gel matrix. The bioavailability of the food source lures bacteria inside the gel network via chemotactic mechanisms, promoting their contact with the biocidal functionalities and their consequent inactivation. ExperimentsThe synthesis of a novel hydantoin-functionalized PVA (H-PVA-hyd) is proposed. The newly synthesized H-PVA-hyd polymer was introduced in the formulation of H-PVA-based cryogels. To promote the cryogelation of the systems we exploited phase-separation mechanisms employing either a PVA carrying residual acetate groups (L-PVA) or starch as phase-segregating components. The permanence of the biocidal functionality after swelling was investigated via proton nuclear magnetic resonance (1H NMR) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) microscopy. The activated H-PVA-hyd cryogels have been tested against bacteria with amylolytic activity (Bacillus subtilis) and the outcomes were analyzed by direct observation via confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). FindingsThe cryogels containing starch resulted in being the most effective (up to 90% bacterial killing), despite carrying a lower amount of hydantoin groups than their starch-free counterparts, suggesting that their improved efficacy relies on a “Trojan Horse” type of mechanism.

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