
This Special Issue of the Journal of Personnel Evaluation in Education (JPEE) consists of six articles associated with presentations at the 15th annual National Evaluation Institute (NEI) of the Consortium for Research on Educational Accountability and Teacher Evaluation (CREATE) held in Dallas, Texas (July 6–8, 2006). The theme of the CREATE conference was Expanding Research and Promising Practices in Personnel, Program, and Student Evaluation, with the objective of recognizing the importance of linking theory to practice. The vision of CREATE is to improve student learning, development, and achievement in PK-12 schools, institutes of higher education, and other educational settings. To that end, the mission of CREATE is (a) to advance the field of educational evaluation through a national forum for the presentation, discussion, and dissemination of sound practices of personnel, student, and program evaluation research and policy; (b) to facilitate a network among those who actively engage in personnel, program and/or student evaluations and those who benefit from such evaluations; and (c) to promote the development, dissemination, knowledge, and use of the personnel, program, and student evaluation standards as issued by the Joint Committee on Standards in Educational Evaluation. This Special Issue evolved in close collaboration between JPEE and CREATE. CREATE is grateful for this cooperation, bringing the opportunity to share some important manuscripts concerning evaluation to the attention of the readership of JPEE. Reviews and revision cycles resulted in the selection of the six articles among more than 50 submissions to the annual CREATE conference. The authors of the selected papers had an J Pers Eval Educ (2006) 19:1–3 DOI 10.1007/s11092-007-9034-7

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