
A novel rotatable two-strap antenna has been installed in the current drive experiment upgrade (CDX-U) [T. Jones, Ph.D. thesis, Princeton University (1995)] in order to investigate high-harmonic fast wave coupling, propagation, and electron heating as a function of strap angle and strap phasing in a spherical torus plasma. Radio-frequency-driven sheath effects are found to fit antenna loading trends at very low power and become negligible above a few kilowatts. At sufficiently high power, the measured coupling efficiency as a function of strap angle is found to agree favorably with cold plasma wave theory. Far-forward microwave scattering from wave-induced density fluctuations in the plasma core tracks the predicted fast wave loading as the antenna is rotated. Signs of electron heating during rf power injection have been observed in CDX-U with central Thomson scattering, impurity ion spectroscopy, and Langmuir probes. While these initial results appear promising, damping of the fast wave on thermal ions at high ion-cyclotron-harmonic number may compete with electron damping at sufficiently high ion β—possibly resulting in a significantly reduced current drive efficiency and production of a fast ion population. Preliminary results from ray-tracing calculations which include these ion damping effects are presented.

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