
Advanced mathematics is a public basic course in science and engineering of colleges and universities. It is an important course to train students' thinking training and master mathematical theory and methods. Introducing mathematical experiments in higher mathematics teaching, giving play to the role of basic experiments and exploration, application and comprehensive modeling experiments, and reforming university mathematics courses can cultivate innovative talents. The idea of mathematical modeling is to combine practical problems with mathematical theories, to abstract them into concrete, and to solve practical problems in life by mathematical methods. Integrating the idea of mathematical modeling into today's higher mathematics teaching is a new teaching method for higher mathematics teaching and a very meaningful quality education method. Combining examples, the thesis analyzes the process of solving advanced mathematics problems by using higher mathematics modeling in the teaching process, and strengthens students' theoretical cognition ability through mathematical modeling, guides students' self-learning ability training, and enhances students' application ability and practical ability. Inspire students' enthusiasm for learning.

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