
This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of the main public policies for higher education in Brasil, considering the amount invested and the number of served students, in the period from 2003 to 2012. When it comes to the methodological procedures, the study was designed as exploratory e quantitative, in which a group of public policies were statistically analyzed, using as reference the compound annual growth rate (CAGR), taking into account the investment made and the number of attended students in the period, in order to check the efficiency of each policy. The results showed that UAB is a form of education that has expanded in recent years by the amazing average rate of growth in the number of students (109.4%), but it still faces high dropout rates; that IFETs had an average annual growth rate of 23.6%, relatively high compared to other public policies; that Prouni and Fies have shown efficient in the period analyzed in relation to the student / cost; and that Reuni brought effectiveness to the system by correcting deviations in the number of students per professor, expanding the offer of evening courses and internalizing universities and campuses.

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