
At various levels, we continue to reap the benefits of what was sown in Higher education 50 years ago by the founding fathers of our republic, however, we would all undisputedly agree that there is a quiet crisis in higher education in India, a crisis that runs deep. A crisis that cannot be offset by the pockets of Educational excellence sporadically present in the country, or just by the presence of an enormous reservoir of talented young people in the economy or by the intense competition among existing colleges and universities. Higher education in India suffers intensely in terms of quality and the intelligent use of Information Technology could be a means to achieve an end. Technology, if constructed coherently and meticulously would help the purpose of Quality in Higher Education. Implementing IT solutions in an Educational Institution if, not executed as a standalone project or a scheme but undertaken as a long term commitment would serve the purpose of improving the quality of Higher Education in India. 1. HIGHER EDUCATION IN INDIA

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