
The state and activity of higher are illuminated those middle educational establishments of Ukraine of agrarian profile on providing of necessities of agricultural industry in the conditions of her post-war renewal at the last years of guidance by the state of Joseph Stalin. It is educed that a limit circle of researches is from this range of problems. The practically unlit is remained by functioning of higher and middle agricultural establishments in those not simple terms. On the basis of original sources, majority from that first entered to turnover, a role and place of these educational establishments are analyses in the system of looks of guidance of the state, system of subordination and state them material and technical and educational base, approaches of the state in relation to her renewal. The everyday terms of life of students and teaching staff are shown, activity of guidance of educational establishment on providing of their proper functioning in those terms. Marked, that without regard to slow renewal of material base, the state determined increase plans of set of contingent, not taking into account the requirement of republic in the workers of certain profiles. Especially minimum was preparation of specialists of economic professions. It is underlined, that following of guidance of the state in the waterway of pre-war stereotypes in relation to forming of agricultural industry defined specialists and orientation on the old system of preparation after narrow specialties with numerous specializations in a middle them, that satisfied the necessities of different sort of research organizations and establishments well, but negatively affected providing of agriculture. It is educed that geography of placing of agricultural institutions of higher learning did not take into account the territorial changes of republic, that took place as a result wars, that determined serious disproportions in the provision of specialists of her different regions. Central organs distributed considerable part of graduating students of institutions of higher learning of Ukraine for her limits. It is set that in Ukraine in absentia preparation at higher agricultural school was in the embryonic state, and in middle – it did not exist in general. Realizable a government events on her revival small affected efficiency of in absentia agricultural education, as touched only quantitative side of business and did not touch organizational, financial questions, material base, socio-economic problems related to the studies of students. Marked, that without regard to changes that took place at active higher and middle agricultural school in a post-war period, she was orientated neither qualitatively, nor in number on satisfaction of growing necessities of industry on the increase of intellectualization of processes of guidance by an of a collective farm production, attendant him spheres.


  • It is educed that a limit circle of researches is from this range

  • majority from that first entered to turnover

  • that satisfied the necessities of different sort of research organizations and establishments

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Свідченням традиційної недооцінки ролі сільськогосподарських ЗВО і технікумів у вирішенні виробничих завдань аграрного сектора було те місце, яке їм відводилося у системі навчальних закладів. Недостатність уваги з боку керівництва країни протягом років до сільськогосподарських навчальних закладів як до вагомого чинника підвищення ефективі сільськогосподарського виробництва, сприяла тому, що роками повільно здійснювалася відбудова їх навчальних корпусів, лабораторій, майстерень, гуртожитків.

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