The in situ single-crystal X-ray diffraction and Raman spectroscopy were performed for a sapozhnikovite Na8(Al6Si6O24)(HS)2, a rare mineral with sodalite-type crystal structure. The crystal chemical analysis and calculation of thermal expansion coefficients based on the refinement of Na8(Al6Si6O24)(HS)2 crystal structures in the temperature range of 300–1273 K show that this sodalite-type compound undergoes: (1) reversible phase transition P4‾ 3n ↔ Pm3‾n at 1223 K, (2) drastic increase of linear expansion coefficient at 1173 K, (3) non-elastic behavior of sapozhnikovite framework after cooling. The temperature dependencies of the unit-cell parameters were divided into two parts and described by quadratic a = 8.911(12) – 0.000018(33)T + 0.000000138(22)T2 (from 300 to 1173 K) and linear a = 7.765(13) + 0.001130(11)T (from 1173 to 1273 K) polynomial functions. Raman spectroscopy data reveal the partial transformations of the extra-framework HS− anion by follows reactions: 6HS–→ S3•– + 3H2S (gas) and 2HS– – 2e → S22− + 2H+. These transformations may cause the observed discontinuity in the thermal expansion curve for sapozhnikovite at 1173 K with drastic increase of linear expansion coefficient and not fully elastic behavior of framework after removal of temperature exposure. After the heat treatment experiments (300–1273 K) the HS− anion restores in the β-cage of sapozhnikovite crystal structure. In the synthetic analogue of sapozhnikovite the heat treatment leads to the irreversible transformation according to the reactions: 2HS– + 2.5O2 (gas) → SO42− + 0.25S4 + H2O (gas) and 2HS– + 3.5O2 (gas) → SO42− + SO2 (gas) + H2O (gas). The orange luminescence of Na8(Al6Si6O24)(HS)2 is stable up to the 1073 K.
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