
High-spin states in the nucleus {sup 116}Te have been studied with the reaction {sup 64}Ni({sup 56}Fe,2p2n) at 236 MeV using an early implementation of the Gammasphere array. Three rotational bands extending to spins I{approximately}(25{minus}42){h_bar} and excitation energies E{sub ex}{approximately}(11{minus}24) MeV have been identified and connected to known low-lying states. In the most extended band, a gradual decrease in the dynamic moment of inertia J{sup (2)} with increasing rotational frequency has been observed and interpreted as evidence for smooth band termination. Several energetically favored states based on aligned single-particle configurations also have been found to coexist with weakly deformed collective structures at low spins. {copyright} {ital 1997} {ital The American Physical Society}

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