
Although it is well established that reactive elements such as yttrium and hafnium can segregate to oxide/metal interfaces and oxide grain boundaries in thermally grown oxides, their distribution and role at these sites are less certain. For example, their effect on oxide growth, scale plasticity and spallation is still debated. It has also been reported that hafnium and yttrium rich oxide particles can be present within growing alumina scales and that the growth or shrinkage of these particles can affect the Y and Hf distributions in the aluminium oxide grain boundaries in their vicinity. Hence, we now report the use of very high spatial resolution imaging in the SuperSTEM electron microscope to investigate the distribution of Y and Hf in aluminium oxide grain boundaries at the atomic level.The oxide scales studied were detached from Fe – 20Cr – 5Al alloy substrates doped with Y and Hf, which had been oxidised for up to 100 h at 1250°C in laboratory air. The scales were ion beam thinned prior to examination in the STEM, and a series of tilting experiments and through focal series were used to map out the distributions of the reactive elements. The influence of electron beam/sample interactions was also studied and some evidence for the movement of Hf and Y atoms along the grain boundaries to the surfaces of the thin oxide foils is also reported.

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