
High school students have few physical education (PE) and health requirements for graduation. Twenty-first century students have choices to take their PE and health courses in the traditional face-to-face (F2F) setting or online through accredited virtual schools. The purpose of this inquiry was to examine differences in high school students' perceptions and experiences in traditional versus online PE and health-related courses. This cross-sectional study utilized mixed methods through survey distribution. Participants included 506 students from traditional F2F high school health and PE classes and 355 students finishing an online course from an accredited online academy. The online education setting was found to be statistically significantly more favorable for students in terms of the feedback and responsiveness of the teacher, understanding and interest of the content and perceived positive health changes during the course. However, the qualitative findings on student perceptions were relatively consistent between both the online and F2F classes. The results indicate that students' positive perceptions in an online high school class may equal or surpass those in a traditional F2F format. Increasingly, youth are exhibiting enhanced capacity for online-based coursework. Physical education classes have traditionally been F2F, but warrant further consideration as an online platform.

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