
The cross-sectional microstructure of a (Au, TiN) thin film deposited on a (100) Si substrate without further heat treatment was studied by CTEM, HRTEM, and AEM. HTREM was performed in a Topcon 002B microscope with interpretable resolution limit of 0.18 nm, and high spatial AEM was done in a Philips 400ST field emission gun microscope at 100 kV using a Gatan 666 parallel-detection electron energy loss spectrometer. Cross-section specimens of the interface were prepared by traditional polishing and ion milling. Temperatures used in the whole process of TEM specimen preparation were below 100°C and a liquid-nitrogen-cooled cold stage was used in ion milling to prevent interaction between Au and Si.Ti was co-deposited with Au by sputtering in a nitrogen atmosphere to increase the hardness of the thin Au contact film. Fig. 1a shows the microstructure of the (Au, Ti, N)/Si contact. The features of this microstructure are very similar to the those of pure gold thin films on Si substrates annealed below the Au-Si eutectic temperature (363°C). The thin, white layer was considered to be the original Au/Si interface by Chang et al.

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