ABSTRACT Extremely massive black holes, with masses $M_{\rm BH} \gt 10^9 {\, \rm M_{\odot }}$, have been observed at ever higher redshifts. These results create ever tighter constraints on the formation and growth mechanisms of early black holes. Here we show that even the most extreme black hole known, Pōniuā’ena, can grow from a $10 {\, \rm M_{\odot }}$ seed black hole via Eddington-limited luminous accretion, provided that accretion proceeds almost continuously, but is composed of a large number of episodes with individually uncorrelated initial directions. This chaotic accretion scenario ensures that the growing black hole spins slowly, with the dimensionless spin parameter $a \lower.5ex\hbox{$\,\, \buildrel\lt \over \sim \,\,$}0.2$, so its radiative efficiency is also low, ϵ ≃ 0.06. If accretion is even partially aligned, with $20\!-\!40{{\ \rm per\ cent}}$ of accretion events happening in the same direction, the black hole spin and radiative efficiency are much higher, leading to significantly slower growth. We suggest that the chaotic accretion scenario can be completely falsified only if a $10^9 {\, \rm M_{\odot }}$ black hole is discovered at z ≥ 9.1, approximately 150 Myr before Pōniuā’ena. The space density of extreme quasars suggests that only a very small fraction, roughly one in 4 × 107, of seed black holes need to encounter favourable growth conditions to produce the observed extreme quasars. Other seed black holes grow much less efficiently, mainly due to lower duty cycles, so are much more difficult to detect.
It is generally accepted that most galaxies harbour supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in their centres (Merloni & Heinz 2013; Graham 2016)
This suggests that the extreme quasars might be powered by accretion on to SMBHs with rather unique growth histories, but such SMBHs are much more likely to be observed at high redshift
With a simple numerical model, we have shown that extremely massive black holes, such as Poniua’ena, can grow from stellar mass seeds via luminous accretion
It is generally accepted that most galaxies harbour supermassive black holes (SMBHs) in their centres (Merloni & Heinz 2013; Graham 2016). The conclusion of stable alignment rests on the erroneous implicit assumption that the disc angular momentum dominates over that of the hole; in reality, the opposite is often the case, and so stable counter-alignment may occur during many accretion episodes (King et al 2005). We show that as long as accretion events are not strongly correlated (< 20% of all accretion events happen along the same axis) and assuming a duty cycle close to 100%, a Poniua’ena -like SMBH can be produced This suggests that the extreme quasars might be powered by accretion on to SMBHs with rather unique growth histories, but such SMBHs are much more likely to be observed at high redshift.
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