
The present study assessed the effect of high pressure–temperature (HPT) processing on the levels of three polyacetylenes in carrot disks immediately after processing in comparison to sous-vide processing. The degradation kinetics of these compounds following processing at HPT was also investigated. The highest pressure–temperature combination which gave maximum retention during the time 10–30min, for falcarinol it was 400MPa, at 50 and 60°C for 10min; for falcarindiol it was 400MPa, at 50°C for 10min and for falcarindiol-3-acetate was 400MPa, at 50°C for 10min, respectively. Falcarindiol-3-acetate was found to be most barosensitive and falcarindiol was found to be most thermosensitive of the three polyacetylenes studied. When compared with sous-vide (SV) processed carrot disks, HPT processed samples showed higher retention of polyacetylenes. The changes in the levels of polyacetylenes during HPT treatment were adequately described by Weibull model function.

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