
The crystal and magnetic structures of hexagonal manganite ScMnO3 have been studied by means of neutron diffraction at high pressures up to 2 GPa in the temperature range 10–300 К. At ambient pressure below TN = 130 K the triangular antiferromagnetic (AFM) state of mixed Г1 + Г2 irreducible representation is formed. Upon application of high pressure, the symmetry of magnetic structure persists up to 2 GPa. A significant suppression of the ordered magnetic moment and gradual spin reorientation were revealed under pressure. The baric dependence of Neel temperatures TN was obtained with the average linear pressure coefficient dTN/dP= 6.9 K/GPa, which is significantly larger with respect to related compounds like YMnO3. For the data obtained, one may expect modification of the magnetic ground state symmetry to the pure Г1 representation at pressures about 6 GPa.

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