
A high-performance liquid chromatographic method has been developed for the determination of ampicillin (1) and its metabolites [(5 R, 6 R)-ampicilloic acid (2), the (5 S, 6 R)-epimer (3) and the corresponding (2 R)-piperazine-2′, 5′-dione (4)] in rat plasma, bile and urine. The method involves the separation of 1–4 from the background components of the biological fluids on a reversed-phase C 18 column, using sodium heptanesulphonate as an ion-pairing agent and methanol in the mobile phase, followed by post-column degradation with 1.5 M sodium hydroxide-0.02% sodium hypochlorite solution at ambient temperature, and detection of the degradation product(s) of each compound at 270 nm. The detection limits were about 25 ng for each compound at a signal-to-noise ratio of 3. At concentrations of 2–5 μ/ml of each compound, the within- and between-run precisions (relative standard deviation) were 0.77–7.15% and 1.76–5.96%, respectively. The plasma, biliary and urinary levels of 1 and its metabolites were determined by the proposed method after intravenous administration of 1 to rats.

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