
The high-order Laguerre-Gaussian (LG) mode output from an end-pumped Nd:YVO<sub>4</sub> laser cavity with strong spherical aberration (SA) induced by short-focal-length lens is studied in this work. A long-focal-length lens L1 is used in the cavity to expand and collimate the beam, so that the beam incident on another short-focal-length lens L2 in the cavity undergoes a strong SA. Since the ring-shaped LG modes with different values of angular index <i>m</i> have different beam radii, the actual focal points of each order of beam are then spatially displaced. A flat output coupler (OC) is located near the focal point of L2, which is composed of a cat-eye retroreflector together with the lens. Such a retroreflector can provide only ideal retroreflection to the incident beam with a focal point exactly on the OC. Given the focal point displacements of the LG beams with different orders, such a mechanism can be used for implementing the transverse mode selection. The mode which has an actual focal point on the OC has a smaller loss than the other defocused modes. With an <i>a</i>-cut Nd:YVO<sub>4</sub> as laser crystal, scalar (linear-polarized) single-mode LG output with radical index <i>p</i> = 0 and angular index <i>m</i>>0 is obtained. The laser mode-order is selectable from LG<sub>0, ±10</sub> to LG<sub>0, ±33</sub> under 878.6-nm incident diode pump power of 1.03 W, by simply adjusting the distance between the OC and L2 in a range of 0.5 mm, when using lens L1 with <i>f</i> = 150 mm and lens L2 of <i>f</i> = 33.9 mm. It is found that sufficient SA which makes the optical paths of the neighboring modes well distinguishable is essential for single-mode operation of a wanted order of LG mode. However, too strong an SA can stop the high-order mode beam from oscillating, since the width and radius of the ring-shaped LG mode are an increasing function of indices <i>p</i> and <i>m</i>, which bring a stronger loss to the corresponding mode. Based on this analysis, we turn to a focal-length combination of <i>f</i><sub>1</sub> = 100 mm and <i>f</i><sub>2</sub> = 51.8 mm, to reduce the SA to a level suitable for further higher mode operation. A highest-order LG<sub>0, ±75</sub> is obtained by such an SA mode-selecting technique under fixed pump power of 1.03 W.


  • Typical near- and Far-field beam patterns of the laser output when the output coupler M2 was located at different positions

  • Calculated focal point displacement induced by spherical aberration (SA) considering the radius of the ring LG beams

  • 4) (Science and Technology on Electro-Optical Information Security Control Laboratory, Tianjin 300308, China) ( Received 16 August 2021; revised manuscript received 7 September 2021 )

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图 2 不同角向指数 m 的 LG0, ±m 光束理论相对尺寸 Fig. 2. Calculated relative beam sizes of the LG0, ±m mode laser. 首先采用 焦距分别为 150 mm 和 33.9 mm 的透镜 L1 和 L2, 全反镜 M1 到透镜 L1 的距离 d1 以及透镜 L1 到 L2 的距离 d2 分别为 155 mm 和 20 mm. 然后减小输出镜 M2 与 透镜 L2 之间的距离, 记距离相对 TEM00 时的变 化量为 d. 光斑由环形和花瓣形光斑叠加的形态变为清晰的 单圈花瓣状分布, 且光斑的近场和远场能量分布 一致, 如图 3(e) 所示, 说明此时激光输出为单一 LG0, ±m 模式; 花瓣状的强度分布是由轨道角动量 分别为+m 和–m 的两种不同手性的模式相干叠 加而成, 通过查看花瓣之间暗点的数量, 可以确定 LG0, ±m模式的角向指数m, 图 3(e) 所 示 的 d = 1.30 mm 时的激光模式为 LG0, ±10. Typical near- and Far-field beam patterns of the laser output when the output coupler M2 was located at different positions (incident pump power 1.03 W). 图 4 激光器处于不同运转模式时的激光输出功率 (泵浦 功率 1.03 W) Fig. 4. Calculated focal point displacement induced by SA considering the radius of the ring LG beams

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