
Complex Question Answering (CQA) is commonly used for answering community questions which requires human knowledge for answering them. It is essential to find complex question answering system for avoiding the complexities behind the question answering system. In the present work, we proposed Hierarchy based Firefly Optimized k-means Clustering (HFO-KC) method for complex question answering. Initially, the given input query is preprocessed. It eliminates the way of misclassification when comparing the strings. In order to enhance the answer selection process, the obtained keywords are mapped into the candidate solution. After mapping, the obtained keywords are segmented. Each segmentation forms a new query for answer selection and various number of answers selected for each query. Okapi-25 similarity computation is utilized for the process of document retrieval. Then the answers selected are classified with K means clustering which forms the hierarchy for each answer. Finally the firefly optimization algorithm is used for selecting the best quality of answer from the hierarchy.

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