
The paper outlines methods that can be successfully used to describe, in universally accepted terms, the structures and functions of bio-inert phytosystems widely differing in organization and origin. It offers an integrative comprehensive model of the biosphere's autotrophic block where the autotrophic function of the phytosphere cannot be satisfactorily exercised except through the unity of the inert (Geo) and the living (Bio) components. Also, it represents the types and physico-geometrical axiomatics of hierarchically structured bio-inert phytosystems. The paper suggests that all bio-inert phytosystems, for the purpose of discussion, should be divided into two groups: corporeal and supra-corporeal with the latter being further classed into biogenic, geogenic and anthropogenic (technogenic). The corporeal systems embrace plants as viewed in terms of their bodily shape. Physico-geometrically, any plant body represents a certain volume of space (Vn) which incorporates a living mass (W) with a specific gravity of r. The quantity Vn is known in biology as biovolume while its numerical value is calculated with the formula: Vn = W/r. Spatially, the plant body (Gn) contains the plant tissue per se (VТ) and large-sized cavities filled either with water (Vwat) or gases (Vgas): Vn = VТ + Vwat + Vgas. Due to its arrangement, any plant body protrudes partially into the surrounding space (Vcos, COS – the closest operating space) with the outer boundary (Gn+1) following the ultimate outlines of the plant's structural elements. This is the space where an organism's impact on the flows of matter, energy and information exceeds that of other organisms or is superior to external flows of substance and energy. That's how the biogenic supra-corporeal system works. Just like corporeal systems do, it holds a certain volume of space (Vn+1, ecovolume), the limits of which (Gn+1) house the plant's bodily mass (Wn) with an appropriate volume (Vn) and, if the object in question is aquatic, it is water – with all dissolved and suspended substances in it – which occupies the entire volume of the surrounding space: Vn+1 =Vn + VCOS. The living space of anthropogenic phytosystems is organized by man who predetermines the proportion between the area to be colonized and the living area. Having colonized artificial underwater reef structures, the plants designate the frontiers in the surrounding space (Vn+2) within which (Gn+2) plant bodies (SVn), bearing parts of reef structures (Vbp) and water (Vwat) are located including dissolved and suspended substances. In other words, these reef structures is precisely the place where the canopy is developed thus determining the external borders of the phytosystem and its volume: V n+2 = SVn + Vbp + Vwat. The living space of geogenic phytosystems is dictated by the geomorphology of the Earth. The plants colonize the Earth's waters (Vn+3, Vn+4), from small puddles to the oceans, including the Earth's recesses and wrinkles (Vn+k =SVn + Vwat, Vn+k =SVn + Vgas). The hierarchical sequence of bio-inert systems, from organism-level organization up to the bio-inert system of a reservoir or island, can be represented by a multitude of living spaces varying in size and enclosed consecutively into one another: Vn Ì Vn+1 Ì Vn+2 Ì Vn+3 Ì Vn+4 Ì Vn+5. "Habitable" means colonized (captured) by the living substance. The density of the living substance filling the space (W/V = CW ) correlates with the density of local free energy flows. The amount of the living substance (W) contained in any volume of space (V) is just as great as the power of the flow of free energy admits of. The living substance, of necessity, keeps the substance flows permanently renewed and increases their yield by accelerating their stock turnover.

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