
Semi-supervised learning (SSL) has demonstrated remarkable advances on medical image classification, by harvesting beneficial knowledge from abundant unlabeled samples. The pseudo labeling dominates current SSL approaches, however, it suffers from intrinsic biases within the process. In this paper, we retrospect the pseudo labeling and identify three hierarchical biases: perception bias, selection bias and confirmation bias, at feature extraction, pseudo label selection and momentum optimization stages, respectively. In this regard, we propose a HierArchical BIas miTigation (HABIT) framework to amend these biases, which consists of three customized modules including Mutual Reconciliation Network (MRNet), Recalibrated Feature Compensation (RFC) and Consistency-aware Momentum Heredity (CMH). Firstly, in the feature extraction, MRNet is devised to jointly utilize convolution and permutator-based paths with a mutual information transfer module to exchanges features and reconcile spatial perception bias for better representations. To address pseudo label selection bias, RFC adaptively recalibrates the strong and weak augmented distributions to be a rational discrepancy and augments features for minority categories to achieve the balanced training. Finally, in the momentum optimization stage, in order to reduce the confirmation bias, CMH models the consistency among different sample augmentations into network updating process to improve the dependability of the model. Extensive experiments on three semi-supervised medical image classification datasets demonstrate that HABIT mitigates three biases and achieves state-of-the-art performance. Our codes are available at https://github.com/ CityU-AIM-Group/HABIT.

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