
The study was conducted among 270 school children in Ilocos Sur randomly selectedfrom nine municipalities, namely: Sta. Catalina, Sto. Domingo, Cabugao, Santa, San Esteban, Candon, Lidlidda, Suyo, and Cervantes. It attempted to determine the factors that may lead to hidden hunger among school children in llocosSur. The study made use of the descriptive method of research wth a questionnaire checklist as the main instrument in data gathering. In-depth interview was done to as certain the presence of symptoms of Vit. A deficiency like night blindness and poor eyesight. Pupils who claimed to have poor eyesight and with Bitots spots were asked toread some letters at about 7-10 feet to further as certain such problem For the iodine determination of household salts, each respondent was asked to bring to school a tablespoon of their household salt for iodine content testing. A solution which is being used by the Department of Health (DOH) for testing was utilized. For iron deficiency, theconjunctival color was assessed for pallor. Likewise, to determine the pupils' nutritional status their height and weight were measured Frequency counts, percentages, and chisquare test were usedto treat the data. The results of the study revealed that majority of the respondents were female, between 10-11 years old, and Roman Catholic. Less than one-half of the respondents' fathers were high school graduates while one-third of their mothers were college graduates. The respondents' parents hada monthly income of P40OI and above, derived from agricultural activities. Some respondents manifested signs and symptoms of Vit. A deficiency. Majority of the respondents had average weight but were overheight. Some manifested signs and symptoms of micronutrient deficiency. The most common signs and symptoms identified were rough skin, poor eyesight, presence of Btots spots, and night blindness. Majority were found to have pale conjunctiva which is suggestive of iron deficiency. Majority were not using iodized salt which made them more prone to iodine deficiency. All the respondents ate snacks in between meals and majority of them preferred the combination of vegetable and meat for their viand.

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