
FISDA: Smart IoT-Based Fish Farming Monitoring System is a system for the proper monitoring of water quality and feeding factors of fish. The function of the system is to remotely monitor the fish and display the status of water quality, including the water level, total dissolved solids, temperature, humidity, and automatic feed bin level. The overall purpose of the system is to bring comfort to every fish farmer by providing daily insight into fish farm monitoring. In developing the system, researchers used the Rapid Application Development model. As part of the requirements planning stage, information is gathered on what the model should include and how it should function. After gathering design information, the researcher created the model utilizing the hardware and software technologies while considering the user design suggestions. The intended users would then regularly review and apply the model to make sure that the modules were operating as planned. The researchers used a review of related studies, document analysis, and surveys to gather data. The level of usability of FISDA: Smart IoT-Based Fish Farming Monitoring System is determined using an ISO25010 software quality standard tool along with six criteria, namely performance efficiency, scalability, maintainability, security, portability, and usability. According to the findings of the study, the automated system, which earned fish farmers a grand mean of 4.51 is very highly recommended. Automatic fish farming monitoring has been proven to be extremely valuable, efficient, and convenient for fish farmers.

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