国家重大科技基础设施强流重离子加速器装置(High Intensity heavy-ion Accelerator Facility,HIAF)已由国家发改委批准立项并开始建设。建成之后,HIAF将为微观物质结构和重离子应用等研究提供很好的实验平台。HIAF的加速储存环(Booster Ring,BRing)设计可以加速最高动量为11.9 GeV/c的高流强质子束流。因此,HIAF-BRing将为GeV能区的核物理和强子物理研究带来新的机遇。另一方面,极化实验是研究微观物质及其相互作用的有力工具。我们提议启动相关物理和极化技术的预研工作,为在HIAF-BRing上开展自旋物理研究打下基础。 The construction of the future scientific facility High Intensity heavy-ion Accelerator Facility (HIAF) in China has started. Once established, HIAF will provide excellent conditions for fundamental investigations on both matter structure and heavy-ion applications. The booster ring (BRing) of HIAF is designed to accelerate high-intensity protons with the maximum momentum of 11.9 GeV/c. Therefore it will bring new opportunities for the nuclear and hadron physics in the GeV region. Polarized experiments have been proved as a powerful tool in the explorations of the building blocks of matter. We propose to initiate a pre-investigation for the related physics and polarization techniques, which will lay the foundation of the spin physics at the HIAF-BRing.
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