Bartholin’s gland is about 1 cm in size located in vulvar vestibule adjacent to the hymen. It opens into the introitus with an almost 2,5 cm length duct. The Bartholin’s duct obstruction can occur as a result of non-infectious occlusion of the ostium or from infection and edema compressing the duct. In this paper we present a patient admitted to our clinic with severe vulvar pain. Her gynecological examination revealed a painful firm necrotized mass which was 4 cm in diameter on the outer side of left minor labium. The mass was excised completely and the material was send to pathology for definitive diagnosis. Histopathological examination revealed Bartholin gland cyst. To our knowledge, there isn’t any case of heterotopically located bartholin cyst when the previous literature is reviewed up to now.
The major vestibular gland known as bartholin gland is an anatomic structure neighboring to the hymen which is located under labia majors on vulva
We present an unusual case of Bartholin cyst which was located heterotopically in labia minora and it had polypoid morphology
Bartholin’s gland is about 1 cm in size and lie at the 4and 8-o’clock positions of the vulvar vestibule adjacent to the hymen. It opens into the introitus with an almost 2,5 cm length duct
Yaklaşık 1 cm boyutunda ve vulva vestibulünde himene komşu yerleşimdedir. Takriben 2,5 cm uzunluğunda kanalla intraitusun içine açılır. Ostiumun enfeksiyöz olmayan tıkanıklığı veya enfeksiyon ve ödem nedeniyle kanalın kompresyonu sonucu oluşabilir. Kliniğimize şiddetli vulva ağrısı ile başvuran bir hasta sunduk. Jinekolojik muayenesinde, sol labia minora dış yüzünde 4 cm çapında ağrılı, nekrotik bir kitle saptandı. Kitle tamamen çıkartıldı ve kesin tanı için patolojiye gönderildi. Histopatolojik inceleme ile bartholin bezi kisti tespit edildi. Bugüne kadar olan önceki literatür gözden geçirildiğinde heterotopik yerleşimli bartolin kisti vakası yoktur
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