
We use new (micro-)structural, petrofabric, strain and vorticity data to analyze the deformation path in a mesoscopic quartz mylonite zone. The mylonite zone resulted from the complete transposition of a stretching lineation-parallel isoclinal fold. Symmetric cleft-girdle quartz c-axis fabrics were recorded in the middle domain, which occupies the inner limbs of the precursor isoclinal fold, while asymmetric cleft- and crossed-girdle fabrics were observed in the upper and lower domains that represent the outer limbs. Constrictional strain, with increasing k values towards the middle domain, is inferred from petrofabric and 3D strain data. Oblique grain shape fabrics yield vorticity estimates of 0.72–0.90 in the zone. However, in the middle domain, pure shear dominated deformation is suggested by orthorhombic crystallographic fabrics. Strain rate is constant throughout the zone; a strain decrease towards the zone center implies that deformation ceased earlier in the middle domain. The data indicates that fold transposition and subsequent mylonitization started as pure-shear-dominated constrictional deformation and progressively changed to simple-shear-dominated, plane strain. During this flow path the asymmetric quartz c-axis fabrics likely developed by depopulation of cleft-girdle maxima rather than from the synthetic rotation of fabric maxima itself.

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