Aim. Conduct a review of studies characterizing the role of herpesvirus infections in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD).Introduction. The study of the role of herpes virus infections in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is currently of considerable interest to researchers from different countries.Result. The results of studies on the significance of human herpes viruses (HHV) in inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) ulcerative colitis (UC) and Crohn’s disease (CD), their effect on the course of these diseases, and refractory treatment of UC and CD in the presence of HHV are presented.It is shown that most researchers unanimously conclude that the main attention should be paid to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV) and human herpes simplex virus type 6 (HHV-6), which are found in the mucous membrane of the colon in patients with IBD and affect both the course of the disease and the effectiveness of the treatment. Attention is focused on the fact that it is necessary to differentiate colitis due to HHV and IBD, proceeding against the background of HHV reactivation, since approaches to the treatment of these conditions are different.Conclusion. Requires targeted research on the role of human herpes viruses in the pathogenesis of IBD.
The study of the role of herpes virus infections in the pathogenesis of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is currently of considerable interest to researchers from different countries.Герпесвирусы и воспалительные заболевания кишечника | Herpesvirus and inflammatory bowel disease
It is shown that most researchers unanimously conclude that the main attention should be paid to Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), cytomegalovirus (CMV) and human herpes simplex virus type 6 (HHV-6), which are found in the mucous membrane of the colon in patients with IBD and affect both the course of the disease and the effectiveness of the treatment
Attention is focused on the fact that it is necessary to differentiate colitis due to human herpes viruses (HHV) and IBD, proceeding against the background of HHV reactivation, since approaches to the treatment of these conditions are different
MD, PhD, Dr Sci, Chief Researcher, Head of the Department of Gastroenterology of the Veltischev; ORCID: 0000–0002–5413–9599 Anatoly I. MD, PhD, Dr Sci, Professor, Chief Researcher Department of Gastroenterology of the Veltischev; ORCID: 0000–0001–7308–7280 Artyom V. Характеризующих роль герпесвирусных инфекций в патогенезе воспалительных заболеваний кишечника (ВЗК). Приведены результаты исследований о значении вирусов герпеса человека (HHV) при воспалительных заболеваниях кишечника (ВЗК) — язвенном колите (ЯК) и болезни Крона (БК), их влиянии на течение этих заболеваний, рефрактерности к лечению ЯК и БК в присутствии HHV. Что большинство исследователей единодушно приходят к выводу о том, что основное внимание необходимо уделять вирусу Эпштейна-Барр (EBV), цитомегаловирусу (CMV) и вирусу герпеса человека 6 типа (HHV-6), которые обнаруживаются в слизистой оболочке толстой кишки у пациентов с ВЗК и влияют как на течение заболеваний, так и на эффективность лечения. Ключевые слова: болезнь Крона, язвенный колит, цитомегаловирус, вирус Эпштейна-Барр, вирус герпеса человека 6 типа, герпесвирусные инфекции
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