
The arrival of the British colony in Kuala Lumpur sparked a radical change in the town in terms of infrastructure and town planning. Due to the British Empire’s reign over Malaya in the advent of 20th century, the colonial architectural style has influenced a lot of important building in the royal town of Selangor. Some of the building is abandoned disrespect, disregard and it’s frightening. Many deemed historic buildings and structures disappears in exchange for modernity, which is a threat to the townscape and history. The local council of Klang aims to preserve clusters of colonial sights, place of worships, schools, and remnants of a fort that has shaped the town enabling people to be more appreciative towards it. Located in the heart of Klang town, the fire station sits next to another heritage trail icon, Raja Abdullah Warehouse. Without proper documentation and curation, the building significant will remain unknown and eventually disappear. The core of this paper will showcase the building design quality and its importance, as the first attempt to document the Balai Bomba Klang Selatan to assist in conserving its tangible and intangible qualities. The study aims to collate and document the tangible qualities of the fire station to complement the measured drawing exercise.

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