
The national registry "HerediCaRe" for the evaluation and improvement of risk-adjusted prevention in hereditary breast and ovarian cancer is one of six "model registries in health services research" funded by the BMBF. In this paper, we describe and discuss the documentation and IT solution chosen for standardized data collection based on the specific functional requirements previously defined. The documentation is divided into different modules to be used individually for each patient, which are based on a previously defined catalog of documentation items. Due to special functional requirements, a specific data entry application based on ORACLE and ORACLE Forms was developed and implemented. The specific requirements included the integration of graphical pedigree representations, the structured upload of pedigree data and molecular genetic information, the automated transfer of old data from the previous system, as well as the free programmability of complex database queries for central data quality control. A database for patient-independent management of genetic risk variants was seamlessly integrated into the application and linked to the patient-related data. The advantages and disadvantages of the chosen IT solution are critically discussed. Overall, we come to the conclusion that, in view of the complex documentation and the special functional requirements, there are no alternative ready-made software products to the in-house development we have chosen.

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