
Summary. Information on the use of herbicides in the 1959‐60 crop year was collected from a stratified random sample of farms in each of four arable farming districts in Eastern England.In each of the surveyed districts about 80% or more of the area under cereals, 10‐20% of other tillage crops and about 10% of the grassland was treated with herbicides. In the three diatricts where peas were widely grown most of this crop was also treated. Contract services were used most on the smaller farms.MCPA was the most widely used herbicide on cereals, but in two of the four districts mecoprop was also often used. Manufacturer's reeommendations for rates of application were followed fairly closely for MCPA on cereal crops which were not undersown but MCPA was also used on much of the undersown cereals in spite of the risk of damage to the legumes. MCPB and mecoprop were often applied to cereals at rather lower rates than those generally recommended, Little detailed information was obtained about when herbicides were applied but clearly most farmers were influenced more by general crop appearance (and possibly date) than by the stage of growth of crop or weeds.The weeds most often mentioned by farmers as occurring on areas treated with herbicide were Cirsium spp., Sinapis arvensis. Galium aparine, Stellaria media, Chenopodium album and Rumex spp. The weeds which were most frequently difficult to control were Avena spp.Polygonum persicaria, Tussilago farfara, Stellaria media and Matricaria maritima ssp. inodora. The herbicides used were usually appropriate for the weeds which they were intended to control and nine out of every ten farmers asked were satistified with the results of treatment; it was very rare for any detrimental effect on crops to have been noted.L'emploi d'herbicides dans quatre régions agricoles de l'est de l'Angleterre 1959‐60

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