
Obtaining healthy young animals and high productivity from cows depends on the physiological and biochemical status of the animal organism. A significant role in this process belongs to the system of hemostasis, the formation of the feto-placental complex, the maximum supply of nutrients and oxygen to the fetus. Platelet hemostasis of cows undergoes significant changes during pregnancy. They testify that during the period of bearing the fetus, the state of vascular and platelet hemostasis of the animal acquires the corresponding regularities in the dynamics. It was established that the period of fetal nidation is accompanied by a decrease in the number of blood platelets in the blood of cows by 1.16 times, compared to the indicator of non-calving animals (p < 0.05. in the blood was found to be 1.17 – 1.16 times (p < 0.05) less than in control cows. The number of platelets in the blood of cows from the first trimester of pregnancy to the end of the third trimester decreases by 1.17 (p < 0 .05), 1.28 (p<0.05) and 1.33 times (p<0.01), and 1.27 times (p<0.01) during the entire calving period. In calving cows at the end in the first trimester of pregnancy, the prothrombin time was 1.21 times (p<0.05), shorter, compared to this indicator of cows of the control group. In pregnant cows, the prothrombin time of hemostasis decreased from the first trimester of pregnancy. On average, over the entire period of pregnancy in cows, the prothrombin time was 1.34 times less than in non-calving cows (p<0.01). it is also shown by the prothrombin index of hemostasis of cows. In cows, the prothrombin index consistently decreased during the first trimester (p<0.05). We found significant changes in the content of fibrinogen in the blood of cows. In pregnant animals, the content of fibrinogen in the blood gradually increased and at the end of the first trimester of pregnancy was more than at the beginning of pregnancy. Changes in the dynamics of indicators of prothrombin and thrombin time of hemostasis, the content of fibrinogen in the blood of cows during this gestation period affect the properties of blood. By the end of the first trimester of pregnancy, the viscosity of the cows' blood increased, and the coagulation rate of the blood of pregnant cows increased.

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