
Leukocyte adhesion deficiency (LAD) is an immunodeficiency caused by defects in the adhesion of leukocytes (especially neutrophils) to the blood vessel wall. As a result, patients with LAD suffer from severe bacterial infections and impaired wound healing, accompanied by neutrophilia. In LAD-I, characterized directly after birth by delayed separation of the umbilical cord, mutations are found in ITGB2, the gene that encodes the β subunit (CD18) of the β2 integrins. In the rare LAD-II disease, the fucosylation of selectin ligands is disturbed, caused by mutations in SLC35C1, the gene that encodes a GDP-fucose transporter of the Golgi system. LAD-II patients lack the H and Lewis Lea and Leb blood group antigens. Finally, in LAD-III, the conformational activation of the hematopoietically expressed β integrins is disturbed, leading to leukocyte and platelet dysfunction. This last syndrome is caused by mutations in FERMT3, encoding the kindlin-3 protein in all blood cells, involved in the regulation of β integrin conformation. This article contains an update of the mutations that we consider to be relevant for the various forms of LAD.

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