
In the conditions of intensive milk production, to ensure high productivity and at the same time preserve the health of animals, it is impossible to avoid the use of feeding probiotic supplements. In particular, there is a resurgence of interest in the use of live yeast cultures based on Saccharomyces cerevisiae. One of these is the microbial supplement “Biosprint”, which contains live yeast cultures (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, MUCL strain 39885), and is a probiotic supplement for high-yield dairy cows. High milk productivity requires constant monitoring of the state of metabolism, animal health, early diagnosis and timely medical and prophylactic measures. The whole process of metabolism between the cells of the body and the environment occurs through the blood that transports nutrients to the cells, removing from them the products of their metabolism. This explains the relevance of studying the biochemical parameters of blood serum, which are important for assessing the level of metabolism in the body of animals, which directly affects their productivity. The purpose of our research was to study the biochemical parameters of blood when the “Biosprint” drug was added to the diet. The research was carried out on animals of the Simmental breed under the conditions of the farm “Pchani-Denkovich”, Zhydachiv district, Lviv region. The basis of research is the task of optimization of normalized feeding of high-yielding dairy cows due to the use of the composition of the dietary supplement “Biosprint”, to establish its influence on the state of metabolism in animals based on the analysis of indicators of morphological and biochemical composition of blood, as well as milk production, and to do conclusion on the optimal amount of ii and the introduction of the composition of concentrated diet rations.


  • Hematological indices of cows and their milk production for use in the composition of the diet of the drug “Biosprint”

  • In the conditions of intensive milk production, to ensure high productivity and at the same time preserve the health of animals, it is impossible to avoid the use of feeding probiotic supplements

  • There is a resurgence of interest in the use of live yeast cultures based on Saccharomyces cerevisiae

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B.S., Kharko, M.V., & Pivtorak, Y.I. (2019). Hematological indices of cows and their milk production for use in the composition of the diet of the drug “Biosprint”. The basis of research is the task of optimization of normalized feeding of high-yielding dairy cows due to the use of the composition of the dietary supplement “Biosprint”, to establish its influence on the state of metabolism in animals based on the analysis of indicators of morphological and biochemical composition of blood, as well as milk production, and to do conclusion on the optimal amount of ii and the introduction of the composition of concentrated diet rations. До однієї із таких відноситься мікробіальна добавка “Biosprint”, яка містить живі дріжджові культури (Saccharomyces cerevisiae, штам MUCL, 39885) і виконує пробіотичні функції в шлунково-кишковому тракті тварин на противагу антибіотикам, заборона на використання яких підвищила вимоги до пробіотиків, їхньої дії на екосистему травного тракту, обмін речовин та загальну продуктивність лактуючих корів, особливо на якісні показники молока. Це пояснює актуальність вивчення впливу мікробних пробіотичних добавок на біохімічні показники сироватки крові корів, які мають важливе значення для оцінки рівня обміну речовин в організмі тварин, що безпосередньо впливає на їх продуктивність

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