
In main springs and swallowholes of the Ljubljanica River Basin the monitoring of heavy metals was established at the beginning of 2005 with the intention to study the solute transport in the water body and to analyse the risk of contamination with heavy metals. The results of the first monitoring phase are presented - elements that indicate the load of environment due to industry, traffic, agriculture and urbanisation: Al, As, Cd, Cl, Cr, Cu, Mn in Pb. The results point out that the vulnerability of karst aquifers depends on aquifer hydrodynamic conditions, infiltration conditions and development of a karst drainage system. Furthermore, they indicated the local and regional geochemical and hydrogeological characteristics and enable to evidence the main processes and effects that impact on environmental changes.


  • In main springs and swallowholes of the Ljubljanica River Basin the monitoring of heavy metals was established at the beginning of 2005 with the intention to study the solute transport in the water body and to analyse the risk of contamination with heavy metals

  • The results of the first monitoring phase are presented – elements that indicate the load of environment due to industry, traffic, agriculture and urbanisation: Al, As, Cd, Cl, Cr, Cu, Mn in Pb

  • The results point out that the vulnerability of karst aquifers depends on aquifer hydrodynamic conditions, infiltration conditions and development of a karst drainage system

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Kratka vsebina

Na za~etku leta 2005 se je vzpostavil v glavni izvirih in ponikalnicah pore~ja reke Ljubljanice monitoring te‘kih kovin z namenom, da se prou~i prenos snovi v vodnem telesu ter analizo ranljivosti na onesna‘enje s te‘kimi kovinami. Predstavljeni so rezultati I. faze monitorniga - tiste prvine, ki ka‘ejo na obremenitev okolja zaradi delovanja industrije, prometa, kmetijstva ali urbanizacije: Al, As, Cd, Cl, Cr, Cu, Mn in Pb. Rezultati so opozorili, da se ranljivosti kra{kih vodonosnikov spreminja v odvisnosti od hidrodinami~nih pogojev v vodonosniku, infiltracijskih pogojev in razvitosti kra{kega drena‘nega sistema. Ozna~ili so lokalne in regionalne geokemijske in hidrogeolo{ke razmere in omogo~ili razumevanje procesov in vzrokov za spreminjanje okolja

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