
AbstractIn recent years, the frequency and intensity of exposure to heat stress have increased gradually, seriously hampering the production of maize. This paper presents a study designed to analyze how the development, physiology and dispersal of pollen from the heat‐resistant maize variety Zhengdan958 and the heat‐sensitive maize variety Xianyu335 are affected by exposure to heat stress during the tasselling stage. Our results showed That exposure to heat stress significantly increased the antioxidant enzyme activity in pollen. Upon visual inspection of the pollen, we found that the lower water content had given rise to wrinkles in the pollen surface, sunken germination pores, and morphological deformations. In addition, the anther dehiscence process was hindered, resulting in a reduced amount of pollen being dispersed. We also found elevated levels of abscisic acid (ABA), jasmonic acid (JA) and its derivatives, indole acetic acid (IAA) and gibberellin‐3 (GA3) in heat‐pollens, as well as elevated ratios of IAA to ABA and ABA to GA3. Ultimately impaired pollen fertility. Summarizing, our experiment revealed that reduced pollen quantity and quality are significant contributors to fertility losses in summer maize exposed to heat stress at anthesis, and we hope that our analysis of the physiological mechanisms involved can contribute to the development of crop management measures aimed at countering the increasingly detrimental effects of heat stress on the production of summer maize.

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