
The article contains the results of research on transient heat and mass transfer processes occurring in a honey dehydrator with the capacity of 30 kg of honey with closed air circulation with volumetric flow rates V˙a = 0.01–0.03 m3s−1. The research was carried out different rotational speeds of the honey mixer ns = 120-270 rpm, without and with preheating of the honey. The article presents heat and mass balance equations for the considered process of honey dehydration, the values of heat transfer and mass transfer coefficients between honey and air were determined. The values obtained are respectively α = 5-25 Wm−2 K−1, β = 0.001–0.035 kg m−2s−1. The reduction of mixer speed from ns = 270 rpm tons = 120 rpm was accompanied by an increase in average heat and mass transfer coefficients of approx. 30% and 52%, respectively. The tripled volumetric flow rate of air(V˙a1/ V˙a2 = 3) resulted in an increase in heat and mass transfer coefficients – on average by 80% and 140%, respectively. Preheating the honey allows to increase the amount of removed water by 30%. The paper presents the general dimensionless expressions allowing for the calculation of heat and mass transfer coefficients.

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