
The convective heat and mass transfer characteristics of the supercritical pressure (SCP) fuel in the regenerative cooling channel of hypersonic vehicles are significantly affected by pyrolysis reactions. In this study, we proposed a novel method to develop the Nusselt number (Nu) and Sherwood number (Sh) correlation of SCP fuel that considers the influence of pyrolysis reaction by simplifying internal heat and mass sources as pseudo-wall fluxes based on the differential global reaction (DGR) model of pyrolysis. The convective heat and mass transfer and pyrolysis characteristics of n-decane were investigated experimentally and numerically in a vertical downward-flow heated tube at pressures of 3-7 MPa. Theoretical analysis of the experimental conditions was conducted sequentially according to the partial differential equations (PDEs) of species continuity and energy, in which the internal source terms of heat and mass due to pyrolysis reactions were simplified and predicted using the DGR model of n-decane pyrolysis. A semi-empirical Sh correlation for predicting the radial distribution of fuel conversion was proposed associated with computational fluid dynamics (CFD) data by equivalently simplifying the internal mass source as pseudo-wall mass flux. A Nu correlation for convective heat transfer was proposed using the same methodology considering the influences of pyrolysis. The correction terms consider pyrolysis endothermicity and thermophysical property variation due to the conversion differences between the pipe wall and the bulk flow. Finally, the Nu correlation was compared to the experimental data, and the influence of heat transfer deterioration (HTD) due to pyrolysis coking was also analyzed quantitatively and empirically.

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