
There is agreement on the benefits of exclusive breastfeeding for 6 months and the introduction of appropriate complementary foods at 6 months, followed by continued breastfeeding, for all infants. However, infant, and young child feeding (IYCF) guidelines for HIV-positive mothers have changed on a regular basis since 2000. Considering new HIV treatment guidelines, implementation challenges, and knowledge gaps, this article investigates issues and Evidence related to IYCF for the prevention and care of paediatric HIV in resource-limited settings. The effectiveness of antiretroviral medications (ARVs) in decreasing the incidence of HIV transmission from mother to child prompted WHO to urge countries to support either avoidance or treatment. Significant progress has been made in terms of preserving the lives of moms but also decreasing the spread of HIV among children, but long-term political, financial, and scientific commitment is essential for ensuring effective postnatal HIV prevention programs and providing for the nutritional requirements of HIV-exposed and HIV-infected infants.

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