
In this study we have used a computational method to investigate how caffeic acid affects important regulators in lipid metabolism, such as the DGAT, GPAT, and PAP genes. Studying how natural substances interact with important regulatory genes is key to understanding lipid metabolism, especially in the setting of metabolic diseases such as diabetes and obesity. We used molecular docking to find out how strongly caffeic acid binds to lipogenic regulators and how these regulators interact with each other. The findings indicate that caffeic acid can directly affect DGAT, GPAT, and PAP. We used predictive models to assess how caffeic acid-binding may influence enzyme activity, gene expression, and signalling pathways related to lipid metabolism. Our computer results give us important information about how caffeic acid might affect lipid metabolism (DGAT, GPAT, and PAP), but it is very important to stress that these interactions and their importance in the body need to be confirmed in experiments. In conclusion, because cellular and metabolic processes are so complicated, it is important to do both in vitro and in vivo studies to fully understand how caffeic acid affects lipid balance and how it might be used to treat metabolic diseases. This study establishes the foundation for the next research, highlighting the capacity of natural chemicals to impact crucial regulators of lipid metabolism.

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