
Introduction. Preservation and growth of the country population is the top national priority in the Russian Federation. A contemporary approach focuses on several especially urgent demographic issues that can be resolved, among other things, due to public healthcare systems becoming more efficient. The present research work is vital due to the necessity to achieve target medical and demographic parameters fixed in the national and federal projects and regional programs. These parameters include life expectancy and mortality caused by cardiovascular and oncologic diseases. The goal of this work is a development of new approaches for the complex evaluation of potential management reserves of health population indicators and the prognosis of efficiency of targeted activities performed within public healthcare systems and aimed at increasing life expectancy through reducing mortality among the population caused by cardiovascular diseases and oncologic diseases. Material and methods. The work dwells on solving a “direct” task in the “medical activities - morbidity - mortality” triple analysis system; the solution involves predicting changes in morbidity and mortality under preset, planned, or scenario changes in parameters related to the public healthcare system. We modelled cause-and-effect relations in the above system, applying mathematical statistics techniques (correlation-regression analysis and factor analysis) with the consequent medical expertise of obtained results. Results. These procedures allow assessing health losses and spot out priorities in activities performed within the public healthcare system as well as ranking managerial decisions, already taken or only planned, as per their efficiency, taking into account territories; sex and age structure of the population; diseases, their subclasses and gravity; specific activities performed within the public healthcare system (prevention, diagnostics, or treatment). We should stress that the most significant potential management reserves of reducing mortality are achieved on territories with maximum mortality levels due to reserves for the reduction in it; these reserves are manageable due to prevention and early diagnostics. Conclusion. Research techniques and results described in the present work can be used in practice to achieve target parameters fixed by national and regional priorities and to select an optimal set of activities aimed at reducing mortality among the population.


  • ОРГАНИЗАЦИЯ ЗДРАВООХРАНЕНИЯЗайцева Н.В., Кирьянов Д.А., Камалтдинов М.Р., Устинова О.Ю., Бабина С.В., Цинкер М.Ю., Чигвинцев В.М

  • Preservation and growth of the country population is the top national priority in the Russian Federation

  • Health risks analysis and complex procedure for estimating the efficiency of targeted activities performed within regional public healthcare systems and aimed at reducing mortality among the population caused by cardiovascular diseases and oncologic diseases

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Зайцева Н.В., Кирьянов Д.А., Камалтдинов М.Р., Устинова О.Ю., Бабина С.В., Цинкер М.Ю., Чигвинцев В.М. Актуальность настоящего исследования вытекает из необходимости достижения целевых медико-демографических показателей: показателей ожидаемой продолжительности жизни, показателей смертности от сердечно-сосудистых и онкологических заболеваний. Целью исследования являлась разработка новых подходов для комплексной оценки потенциальных пределов управляемости показателями здоровья населения и прогнозирования эффективности целевых мер, проводимых системой здравоохранения, направленных на увеличение ожидаемой продолжительности жизни вследствие снижения смертности населения от сердечно-сосудистых и онкологических заболеваний. Анализ рисков потерь здоровья и комплексная оценка эффективности целевых мер территориальных систем здравоохранения по снижению смертности населения от сердечно-сосудистых и онкологических заболеваний. Представленные в статье методы и результаты исследований предложены при выполнении научно-исследовательской работы по проекту «Анализ рисков потерь здоровья и комплексная оценка эффективности целевых мер по снижению смертности населения Пермского края от сердечно-сосудистых и онкологических заболеваний», поддержанному Грантом в форме субсидии из бюджета Пермского края.

Организация здравоохранения
Материал и методы
Смертность населения Population mortality
Коэффициент модели aik
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