
Good dental health is what everyone expects, but in fact, public attention to dental and oral health is still quite low, most people underestimate the health of their teeth. This can be seen in the many cases of dental caries and cavities. Symptoms of dental pain begin with the occurrence of dental caries and will continue to become large and affect the dental nerves, causing pain. This incident is because most parents pay less attention to the dental health of children under five, especially the lack of attention in brushing their teeth at night and also getting used to consuming formula milk in toddlers before going to bed. Therefore it is necessary to carry out socialization regarding efforts to maintain dental and oral health to obtain maximum body health. The socialization program was carried out with lectures and demonstrations using video media, posters and dental displays. The socialization activities went well and smoothly with the high enthusiasm of the participants in listening, asking, and answering questions so that a pleasant atmosphere was created and the participants were able to practice how to brush their teeth properly. So it can be concluded that the socialization program that was carried out was effective in increasing knowledge and awareness of dental and oral health in children in rural areas.

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